IPMS Vancouver Membership

IPMS Vancouver Membership details

It’s simple, you just come to a meeting. First time attendee’s are not required to pay any fees. Everybody gets into their first meeting at no charge to get a feel for the club and its members. Thereafter, non-members are encouraged to pay a $2.00 drop-in fee.

There are three types of annual membership

  • Junior, $10 for members 16 years of age and younger

  • Adult, $30 for modelers over 16.

  • Family, $35 for members with more than one modeler in the family.

Annual membership entitles member to the following.

  • A 10-15% discount on kit purchases at participating hobby shops, please visit the Friends page

Entrance to all club meetings in the calendar year but not the Fall Show.

Please note that just because you belong to IPMS Vancouver doesn't necessarily mean you will get a discount, it is the retailers discretion.